Basics of Counselling and Career Counselling

Basics of Counselling and Career Counselling

Date Created06 Mar 2022
CategoryCareer Counseling

₹ 399.00

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Course Description

Counselling is a process of professional help by experts for individuals to understand themselves, to gain awareness, to identify problems and to produce solutions, to make decisions, to be in harmony and healthy communication with the environment. Career Counselling is specifically focused on a person’s career opportunities, most often provided in educational, work, and some community settings. It also may have the specific goal of enabling a person to change the direction of his or her career. The counselling will take account of an individual’s preferences, intelligence, skill sets, work values, and experience. Such counselling is offered to groups as well as individuals. This course includes video modules as well as reading materials. This course has been carefully designed to provide you with all the information required about the basics of counselling and career counselling.

What to Expect From this Course

Helping students plan their future
Providing careers education and guidance
Being well-informed and confident to provide webinars/seminars at schools

About the Instructor

Jey Shankar

Skilled in psychometric assessments, counselling techniques and career counselling. Effective Counsellor developing and implementing Career Development program and activities that engage children. Offering years of expertise working with youngsters in various situations and from different states. Developing the overall content and curriculum structure for MARG Career Counselling Certification Program. Working closely with the content team and subject matter experts to create the curriculum. Editing and reviewing course materials, including course handouts, presentations, and instructor support materials

Course Details

6 Videos
6 Chapters
8 MCQs
Total Hours To Read : 4 hours

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